
Filmworkz Phoenix
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Phoenix 2024.1.010 Win64

Filmworkz Phoenix 2024.2.003

Filmworkz Phoenix v2024.2.007 Win x64

Phoenix 拥有超过 30 年的图像科学和开发经验,长期以来一直是修复艺术家和档案管理员的首选,他们从事最艰巨的工作,只需极少的人工干预即可产生出色的效果。

管理从扫描到交付的整个修复工作流程,并利用全系列 DVO 工具为您带来无与伦比的增强、校正和转换功能。现在所有 Phoenix 版本都包含我们的 DVO 核心包,提供更令人难以置信的价值。


With over 30 years of image science and development behind it, Phoenix has long been the number one choice of restoration artists and archivists working on the most demanding jobs producing exceptional results with minimal manual intervention.

Manage your whole restoration workflow from scan to deliverables and take advantage of the full range of DVO Tools to bring you unmatched enhancement, correction and conversion capabilities. And now all Phoenix editions include our DVO Core Pack, offering even more incredible value.

标签: 视频 修复 软件 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/7/31 22:03:15 | 更新时间:2024/12/5 23:10:39

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