
Pro Sound Effects - Borneo Rainforest
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Pro Sound Effects - Borneo Rainforest (WAV)

使用婆罗洲雨林音效库编排茂密的丛林音效。这些丛林音效包含来自印度尼西亚婆罗洲雨林的 120 多段录音,充满生机 - 包括蟋蟀、蝉、鸟、青蛙、蜜蜂、猫头鹰等的合唱。

这些声音由现场录音师和音效设计师 Chris Diebold(《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》、《变形金刚:最后的骑士》)以原始质量录制,涵盖了雨林中许多密集的声音层,包括雨滴、丰富的野生动物、树木和灌木丛的移动。为了进一步沉浸在印度尼西亚的声音景观中,还有附近伊班部落村庄古朴的日常生活录音,以及普图西包和坤甸独特的繁华城市声音。除了原始录音外,还具有各种设计声音,您可以创建和创作带有神奇声音的鸟类和巨大的嘎嘎作响的青蛙的场景,打造梦幻般的夜间丛林合唱。


Orchestrate the lush composition of the jungle with the Borneo Rainforest sound effects library. With over 120 recordings from the Borneo Rainforest in Indonesia, these jungle sound effects are abundant with life - featuring choruses of crickets, cicadas, birds, frogs, bees, owls, and more.

Recorded in pristine quality by field recordist and sound designer Chris Diebold (Spider-Man: Homecoming, Transformers: The Last Knight), these sounds encompass the many dense sonic layers of the rainforest with dripping rain, rich wildlife, tree and brush movement. For additional immersion into the soundscape of Indonesia, there are additional recordings of quaint, everyday life in the nearby Iban Tribal Village, and the unique bustling city sounds of Putussibau and Pontianak. Featuring a variety of designed sounds in addition to the raw recordings, create and compose your scenes with magical-sounding birds and giant croaky frogs for a fantastical and dreamy nighttime jungle choir.

标签: 声音 音效 素材 配音 背景 热带 雨林 自然 动物
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2024/6/20 20:52:47 | 更新时间:2024/6/20 20:58:00

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