
Digital Tutors - 介绍 Illustrator CS5
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Digital Tutors - Introduction to Illustrator CS5

Digital Tutors - Illustrator CS5 学习教程

在一系列的教程中,我们将重点介绍 Illustrator CS5。我们会开始学习一些基本知识,如创建和打开文件,理解和定制界面和工作的工具,比如尺子和向导。我们将继续了解插画??对象,我们还将学习一些工具,用于创建和修改这些对象。一旦我们掌握创建和修改对象,我们将学习如何管理对象的群体和层级。下一步,我们将开始寻找方法来创建更高级的技术。我们还将了解Illustrator中如何处理颜色和类型。我们将学习Illustrator CS5中附带的一些新的工具和功能。最后,我们将学习如何保存和导出我们的


In series of lessons we will focus on an introduction to  Illustrator CS5.  We'll get started by learning some of the basics, such as creating and  opening files, understanding and customizing the interface and working  with tools such as rulers and guides. We'll move on and learn about what  Illustrator calls an object, and we'll also learn some tools for  creating and modifying these objects. Once we've mastered creating and  modifying objects, we'll learn how to manage objects using groups and  layers. Next, we'll begin looking at ways to create more advanced  objects by building on the knowledge we already have.  We'll also learn  about how Illustrator handles color and type. Along the way we'll learn  about some of the new tools and features included with Illustrator CS5.   Finally, we'll wrap things up by learning how to save and export our  artwork out of Illustrator.


标签: ai illustrator 平面 设计 教程 图形
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > Adobe Illustrator
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/8/27 19:25:03 | 更新时间:2015/9/9 22:53:46

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