
CG Cookie - 3ds Max: Working with Ocean and Fluids
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CG Cookie - 3ds Max: Working with Ocean and Fluids - Full 14 Parts

来自CG Cookie 的 3dsmax,realflow,realwave制作海洋和流体教程14个章节完整版。

In this Citizen video for 3ds max, we'll continue working at the Fluids  and Ocean series. 1st of all we’ll have to finish the FR version of our  basic 3ds max scene, so we’ll prepare the sphere shader using the FR  Advanced material trying to replicate same Mental Ray setup. Then we'll  move forward to introduce the fluid dynamic chapter. We'll take a look  at basic workflow and UI in RealFlow. We'll see how it works preparing a  simple simulation with a basic particle emitter, then adding gravity  daemon, working with initial state and fluid resolution issue and  checking how to prepare the fluid mesh and how to optimize it.

Then we'll go a little bit more in depth in the RF topic, working with a  simple animated scene prepared in 3ds max and exported in RF using the  SD file format. We'll see how to merge it, manage the Fill Object  emitter to fill a mesh with water, find the right quality setup and make  it interacting with a 3ds max moving object. Finally we'll take a  simple look at RealWave water plan just to see how to add it to a scene,  and which kind of wave generators we can use with it.

标签: 特效教程 流体 FX 影视 水的效果
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/8/26 17:37:08 | 更新时间:2015/9/1 16:39:48

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