
Ben Marriott - Motion Foundation
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Ben Marriott - Motion Foundation

Ben Marriot - Motion Foundation Missing files 6.6 & 6.7


在本课程中,您将学习在 After Effects 中创建令人惊叹的动画所需的一切。 我将多年的经验浓缩成最重要的技术,真正发挥作用。




无论是推广产品、解释概念还是讲述故事,我不仅会教您如何使用 After Effects,还会教您如何像动画设计师一样思考。

自信地使用 After Effects

无论您是想要扩展技能的图形设计师、想要向项目添加动态图形的视频编辑器,还是完全的初学者,本课程都旨在帮助您实现这一目标,并向您的作品集添加 7 个项目。


我们将从 After Effects 的基础知识开始,逐步学习更高级的技术,因此您永远不会感到不知所措或不知所措。




Gain The Skills For Success

In this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to create stunning animation in After Effects. I've condensed all my years of experience into the most essential techniques that really make a difference.


We'll go in-depth on how and why, to apply them to any project to get the best result.


Whether it's to promote a product, explain a concept, or tell a story, I'll teach you not only how to use After Effects, but how to think like a motion designer.

Use After Effects With Confidence

Whether you're a graphic designer looking to expand your skill set, a video editor wanting to add motion graphics to your projects, or a complete beginner, this course is designed to get you there and add 7 projects to your portfolio.


We'll start with the basics of After Effects and gradually build up to more advanced techniques, so you'll never feel overwhelmed or out of your depth.


You’ll gain the skills and confidence to tackle anything that comes your way, with hands-on projects to help you apply what you've learned and build your portfolio

标签: ae After Effects 动画 教程
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > After Effects
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/12/11 22:27:22 | 更新时间:2023/12/19 21:34:05

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