
Illustration Photo Effect for Photoshop
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Illustration Photo Effect for Photoshop

Photoshop 插画效果动作,使用该滤镜前请确保菜单“滤镜 > 风格化”下的油画滤镜是否处于活动状态,确保它在 Photoshop 中处于活动状态。

如果“油画”滤镜显示为灰色,请转至 Photoshop 菜单 > 首选项 > 性能 > 高级设置。 确保选中“使用 OpenCL”。 如果它呈灰色,则意味着您的 OpenCL 版本不受支持,这就是油画过滤器呈灰色的原因。


  • 简单的设置和易于使用的层结构。 您只需打开照片并加载 Photoshop Action 即可创建插图。 该操作大约需要 1 分钟才能完成,然后您就可以将所有图层/文件夹整齐地组织起来,以便您可以对插图进行更改。

  • 适用于透明图像,因此您可以轻松在主题后面添加自己的背景。

  • 易于改变颜色。 独立地重新为插图阴影、中间色调和高光着色,或尝试使用 30 种附带的颜色预设。

  • 包括 14 个不同的选项,用于向插图边缘添加形状变化。

  • 包括一组 200 个基本数字和手绘图形,可用于帮助创建插图背景。

  • 全面的视频教程,引导您完成从加载动作到所有图层/文件夹的概述以及它们如何影响您的插图的所有内容。


The Photoshop Action uses the Oil Paint filter, which comes standard with versions the Action is compatible with (CC 2015.5.1 and above). Ensure it is active in your Photoshop by opening up a photo in Photoshop and checking that the Oil Paint filter is active under the menu “Filter > Stylize“.

If the Oil Paint filter is greyed out for you, go to Photoshop menu > Preferences > Performance > Advanced Settings. Make sure “Use OpenCL” is checked. If it is greyed out, then it means your version of OpenCL is not supported and that is the reason of Oil Paint filter being greyed out.

Features include:

  • A simple setup and easy to use layer structure. You only need to open your photo and load the Photoshop Action to create your illustration. The Action takes roughly 1 minute to complete and from there you have all the layers/folders neatly organised so you can makes changes to your illustration.

  • Works with transparent images, so you can easily add your own background behind your subject.

  • Easy to change colors. Re-color your illustrations shadows, midtones and highlights independently or experiment with the 30 included color presets.

  • Includes 14 different options for adding shape variation to the edges of your illustration.

  • Includes a set of 200 basic digital and hand drawn graphics that you can use to help create backgrounds for your illustration.

  • Comprehensive video tutorial, walking you through everything from loading the Action to an overview of all the layers/folders and how they affect your illustration.

标签: ps photoshop 动作 插画 效果
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > Photoshop 资源
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/12/6 15:02:02 | 更新时间:2023/12/6 15:11:43

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