
33.6K Part 1+ Part 2
0 3 Part 1 - Basics & Part 2 - POPS Part 2 - POPS

克里斯蒂安·博姆 的 Houdini FX 课程,正确解释了基础知识,学习“为什么”,而不仅仅是“如何”。28.4GB。



-70 多个小时的内容



好吧,我涵盖了 Houdini 的整个范围(或者至少是最重要的部分),所以你不只是购买一个主题。 我介绍了 POP、FLIP、RBD 和 PYRO 的标准情况。 因此,虽然您在课程结束后肯定不会了解所有内容(祝您好运),但您已经足够了解其他所有内容的背景。 此外,该网站不仅仅是一堆视频:它还是一个学习平台。 大多数视频都具有以下一项或多项内容:

- 其他资源的链接

- 文件下载

- 解释核心概念的图形

并且不要忘记综合搜索功能 - 忘记什么是“速度场”? 只需搜索它,就会显示有关它的视频。 这不应该是您学习的唯一课程,而是第一门课程 - 让我引导您穿越胡迪尼的疯狂世界!

此外,内容量也增长了很多:超过 60 小时的内容以及许多示例(并且还在不断增长......)。

这适合 3D 初学者吗?

不,我建议拥有 3D 软件包(Maya / 3DSMax / Cinema4D / Blender)的经验,最好是 Nuke。

因此,您应该具备有关渲染和合成的基本知识,最好具有基于 Node 的程序的经验。

我几乎不会涵盖这些领域。 Houdini 不应该是您的第一个 3D 程序。

工作流程完全不同,并且要了解您之前应该使用“正常”3D 程序的原因和方式。


大多数教程至少在三年后就过时了,有些甚至一年后就过时了。 这就是为什么“一次购买”的方法对我来说没有意义。

该课程是“活跃的”,这意味着我不断添加或更新视频(平均每周 4 个,有时更多,有时更少)。



那里有很多课程和教程,而且很多都是免费的。 我为什么要为你付钱?


确实如此 - 那里有很多材料 - 学习 Houdini 从未如此简单!


我认为这是因为所有知识都没有指导方针。 与其他程序不同,您不能只是跳过主题。


所以我必须提供的是一种学习Houdini 的结构化方法。 以便您可以了解其他课程和资源的背景。 本课程试图教您最重要的概念,以便您可以自己更深入地挖掘。



Christian Bohm's Houdini FX Course Properly explained fundamentals

Learn the "Why", not just the "How"

Understand all the core concepts

(SOPs, POPs, VEX, Vellum, RBDs, FLIP, Pyro)

70+ hours of content

constantly updated

So what's so great about your course, heh?

Well, for one I cover the whole range of Houdini (or at least the most important bits), so you're not just buying into one topic. I cover standard cases of POPs, FLIP, RBDs and PYRO. So while you certainly don't know everything after the course (good luck with that idea), you know enough to understand the context of everything else out there. Also the site is not just a bunch of videos: It's a learning platform. Most videos have one or more of the following:

- Links to other resources

- Hip-Files to download

- Graphics explaining the core concepts

And don't forget the comprehensive Search Function - forgot what a "velocity field" was? Just search it and the video about it shows up. It's not supposed to be the only course you take, but the first one - let me be your guide through the crazy world of Houdini!

Also the amount of content has grown quite a lot: over 60 hours of content with many examples (And growing...).

Is this for complete beginners in 3D?

No, I recommend to have experience in a 3D package ( Maya / 3DSMax / Cinema4D / Blender) and ideally Nuke.

So you should have basic knowledge about rendering and compositing, ideally with experience in Node based programs.

I will barely cover these areas. Houdini should not be your first 3D program.

The workflows are quite different and to understand the why and how you should have worked with a "normal" 3D program before.

Why a subscription?

Most tutorials are outdated after at least 3 years, some even after one. That's why a "buy once"-approach didn't make sense to me.

The course is "alive", that means I am constantly adding or updating videos (4 per week on average, sometimes more, sometimes less).

I am constantly trying to keep the knowledge up to date, so that you understand the latest workflows.

I also constantly re-record old videos to adress problems, fix mistakes and make things clearer.

There are so many courses and tutorials out there, a lot for free. Why should I pay for yours?

Good question!

It's true - There is so much material out there - it was never easier to learn Houdini!

Yet - a lot of beginners struggle with it.

I think that's because there is no guideline through all the knowledge. Unlike other programs you can't just jump around the topics.

If you don't understand the fundamentals nothing makes sense.And it's those fundamentals that surprisingly few videos explain properly.

So what I have to offer is a structured approach to learning Houdini. So that you can understand the context of the other courses and resources. The course tries to teach you the most important concepts so you can then dig deeper on your own.

Or in gamer terms: My course tries to be the main quest line, so that you can do all the side quests by yourself.

标签: 胡迪尼 Houdini 特效 动力学 教程 动画 粒子 流体 液体 火焰 破碎
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Houdini
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/12/5 20:51:33 | 更新时间:2023/12/5 20:51:33

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