
Titlemizer Photoshop Plugin - Ps随机文本生成工具
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Titlemizer Photoshop Plugin

Titlemizer 是一个高级 Photoshop 插件,可生成随机相关的标题、导语、文本、日期和用户名。目前支持三个主题类别的英语、乌克兰语和俄语文本生成:技术、经济和政治方面。


For Photoshop CC 2014 & CC 2015 on Windows and Mac

Titlemizer is a premium Photoshop plugin, that generates random relevant titles, leads, texts, dates and usernames. Currently supports English, Ukrainian and Russian text generation for three thematic categories: Technology, Economics and Politics.

Random text generation.

Titles, leads and text generation;

  • Technology, Economics and Politics categories (more coming soon);

  • Over 900 texts for each language in our database (will be added more over time);

  • Automatic text pasting into your Photoshop text layers;

  • Works on multiple layers simultaneously.

Random dates generation

  • Generates dates in format "Date Month" (more formats coming soon);

  • Supports all available languages too;

  • Automatic text pasting into your Photoshop text layers;

  • Works on multiple layers simultaneously.

Random users generation

  • Over 100 usernames for each language in our database (will be added more over time);

  • Male and female usernames available (sex selection coming soon);

  • Usernames include name and surname;

  • Automatic text pasting into your Photoshop text layers;

  • Works on multiple layers simultaneously.

With Titlemizer you don't need to search for relevant texts and titles when designing your next website and having no copy. Instead of using Lorem Ipsum, Titlemizer gives you the opportunity to see how your website will look like on live; test and see, how long titles will look like in your design; add a new level of detail to your work — and everything in a matter of seconds!


  1. Unzip the contents of the downloaded archive;

  2. Open Photoshop and navigate to File - Scripts - Browse, and select the Installer.jsx from the unzipped folder;

  3. Restart Photoshop after the installation process is finished;

  4. To launch the plugin navigate to Window - Extensions - Titlemizer.

  5. Old .ZXP is still included, if you want to install the plugin using Extension Manager.

标签: ps photoshop 插件 工具 软件 文本生成
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Photoshop 插件
发布:CGer | 查看:122 | 发表时间:2023/11/6 21:19:49 | 更新时间:2023/11/6 21:19:49

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