
Iamag - Peter De Seve - Under Influence
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Iamag - Peter De Seve  - Under Influence

彼得·德·塞夫讲座 - 影响 - 200年的幽默和奇幻绘画

我们将荣幸地欢迎彼得·德·塞夫(Peter De Sève)于3月17日在巴黎参加独家大师班:“影响下:200年的幽默和奇幻绘画”

Peter de Sève的作品跨越了三十年和各种媒体,包括杂志,书籍,印刷和电视广告,动画故事片和杂志。他最受认可的可能是他为《纽约客》杂志提供的许多封面以及他为轰动一时的“冰河世纪”系列设计的角色。(它的Scrat角色是名副其实的国际名人)。

De Sève还为《花木兰》、《虫子的生活》、《亚瑟圣诞节》和《海底总动员》等电影做出了贡献。

最近,德·塞夫是梦工厂最近领导的动画长片《拉里金斯》和 Netflix 广受好评的《小王子》的首席角色设计师。

We will have the honor to welcome Peter De Sève, March 17th in Paris for an exclusive Master Class : “Under Influence : 200 years of Humorous and Fantastical Drawings”

Peter de Sève’s work spans three decades and various media, including magazines, books, print and television advertising, animated feature films and magazines. He is perhaps best recognized for his many covers for The New Yorker magazine and his character designs for the blockbuster “Ice Age” franchise. (Its Scrat character is a veritable international celebrity).

De Sève has also contributed to such films as “Mulan,” “A Bug’s Life,” “Arthur Christmas” and “Finding Nemo” among others.

Most recently, de Sève was the lead character designer for Dreamworks recently canceled animated feature “Larrikins” and for Netflix’s highly acclaimed “The Little Prince.”


标签: 插画 手绘 绘画 教程 讲座
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/10/27 21:14:38 | 更新时间:2023/10/27 21:22:08

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