
Ian Hubert - Patreon Videos (Jan'21-Oct'23)
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Ian Hubert - Patreon Videos (Jan'21-Oct'23)

伊恩·休伯特的 Blender 视频教程合集,2021年1月-2023年10月合集,83部视频,19.5GB。Blender 建模,渲染,动画,追踪,合成,后期的教程合集。


14 Minutes of Ways to Select Objects in Blender

2D Card (Screen_) Replacement - Tracking, Compositing

A VFX Shot Every Day - Pete Breakdowns

Advanced Paintouts with a Moving Camera in Blender

Alpha Release_ Color Tools! Match CG_Live Action!

Animating a Traffic Light

Animating Huge Things and Little Things in Blender

Another Greenscreen Tutorial (working on the Taxi Scene)

Automatic Face Tracking

Barbershop with Various Signage

Bizarrely Powerful Trick for Cinematic Compositions

Blender Volumetrics_ working with some haze_fog and clouds!

Blowing Grass Asset & Breakdown

Boat Shoot Final Thoughts

Boat Shoot! Introduction_Backstory

Camera Shake Addon v.2 (Camera Shakify)

Camera Shake Addon

Capturing Photoscans_ Everything I Can Think of

Cat Sculpting when you're bad at Sculpting and Cats.

Cheating Volumetric Light Rays in Cycles

Completing Big Shots

Continued Experiments with Procedural Waves

Creating Auto-randomized Signs_Neon_Such! (getting random)

Cyberpunkish Lighting

Designing Holographic Interfaces

Designing the Phaeton

Digital Extensions without Greenscreen


Driving Through a Market pt 1_ Layout_Blocking

Driving Through a Market pt 2_ Modeling Market Stalls

Dynamo Dream Old VFX Retrospective

Everything Nathan Knows About Color   Part 1 - Transfer Functions

Freeway Pirate Breakdowns_ tire rigging, hot metal, and shockwaves

Getting Neoclassical Pt. 2_ Interiors

Giving 2D Steam Elements 3D Looking Shadows

Hologram Shader Breakdown

HyperBole Cinematography Breakdown

Initial Blender VR Tomfoolery

Introduction to the Asset Browser

Let's Model a Boat!

Lighting a Space Scene (and other things)

Make a simple Blender Addon_Hotkey_Button with Python

Makin a Bag o' Beans

Making a Blinking Light Asset

Making a Flying Vehicle pt. 1 - Design_Blocking

Making a Flying Vehicle pt. 2 - Refining_Texturing

Making a Sci-Fi-ish Lighthouse

Making a Shot from Scavenged Elements pt. 1 - Environment

Making a Shot Start-To-Finish (Cave Explorers)

Making Eevee Look Like Cycles (intro to Eevee)

Making Lots of Quick Stuff with Photoscans

Making Tarps!

Making the World Nasty

Modeling a Desert Hangar

Modeling a Slot Machine

Modeling a Spaceship Cockpit Windshield

Modeling an Airport Waiting Room

Modeling an Overpass

Modeling That Greenhouse Environment

Moss! A few different ways.

One of the Biggest Compositing Basics

Optimizing Cycles Renders

Photoscanning Greebles from Real Life

Powerful, Flexible, Sloppy modeling with Remesh Modifier

Putting Graffiti on Stuff

Quick Chat about Brainstorming

Quick Rigging for Scans (animating a little vignette)

Quick Tip_ Compositing CG Into Grass

Quickie_ Industrial Stairs, Railings, and Rails

Quickie_ Making Steam Elements Not Clip Through the Camera

Refraction Tut!  Heat Distortion and Such in Blender

Some Useful Techniques for Modeling a Scooter

Starmaps in Blender (two methods)

Talking about Landing Gear and Linkages

Things I Learned From Recent VFX Shots

Tips for Optimizing Photoscans

Tutorial_ Brick Walls and Vintage Painted _Ghost_ Signs

Tutorial_ Digital Costume Enhancement (Tracking, easy_complex)

Tutorial_ Modeling Sci-Fi Megastructures in Blender

Tutorial_ Modeling Ship Hulls and Trucks (Curved Surfaces)

Tutorial_ Self-Randomizing Assets (Posters, Lights)

Tutorial_ Spaceship Through Canyon (Vapor trails, etc.)

Tutorial_Asset_ Blowing Straps_Plastic

标签: blender 建模 渲染 动画 教程 合集
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Blender
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/10/17 17:23:03 | 更新时间:2023/10/17 17:34:12

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