
Gumroad - Ultimate Stylized Character Creation Course
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Gumroad - Ultimate Stylized Character Creation Course

风格化角色创建课程:使用 Zbrush、Maya 和Substance Painter释放您的创作潜力!47.1GB。

打开无限创造力的大门,并使用 Zbrush、Maya 和 Substance Painter 等行业领先的工具从头到尾掌握角色创作的艺术。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的艺术家,这门综合课程都旨在为您提供将艺术愿景变为现实所需的知识和技能。

Introducing The Ultimate Stylized Character Creation Course: Unleash Your Creative Potential with Zbrush, Maya, and Substance Painter!

Are you ready to take your character creation skills to the next level? Do you dream of bringing your imaginative ideas to life in the form of captivating stylized characters?

Unlock the door to boundless creativity and master the art of character creation from start to finish using industry-leading tools such as Zbrush, Maya, and Substance Painter. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to bring your artistic vision to life.


标签: zb zbrush maya 玛雅 sp 建模 教程 角色 人物 材质 纹理 贴图
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/10/12 11:21:59 | 更新时间:2023/10/12 11:21:59

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