
Splice - Field & Foley - Water & Earth FX - 声音素材
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Splice - Field & Foley - Water & Earth FX - 声音素材

由制作人查尔斯·范·柯克(Charles Van Kirk)在缅因州海岸线上、周围和下方录制,这个样本包是一组来自水和地球元素声音的现场录音。

Recorded by producer Charles Van Kirk on, around and underneath the coastline of Maine, this sample pack is an arsenal of fx, foley, and sample ready field recordings derived from the elemental sounds of the water and the earth. The pack relies heavily on the use of an Ambient MKII hydrophone for underwater use and a Lom Geofón - originally intended for seismic measurement - for transducing vibrations on various surfaces. The hydrophone sounds include crashing waves in the Atlantic, snow melt rushing through rivers, and sparkling water submerging the microphone in a stainless steel bowl. The Geofón sounds include sub heavy kicks made from anchoring the microphone in moss and dirt as well as from attaching it to cymbals and metallic surfaces. Charles built a drum kit with these sounds using Sensory Percussion and performed grooves inspired by the source material. Re-work these sounds to add a special element to your next creation. 


标签: 声音 音效 音乐 素材 配音 背景 水声 土地 地球
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/9/18 14:57:26 | 更新时间:2023/9/18 15:01:59

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