
UGH - Unity GUI助手
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UGH - Unity GUI Helper

UGH - Unity GUI助手

Graveck - 作为他们的开发平台,最先采用
Unity的工作室之一 - 已经决定与世界分享他们的内部的GUI工具集。使用在滑雪系列球2和其他流行的应用程序名称,UGH是一种真正的功能强大用户界面,操作方便,且可扩展的解决方案。UGH的理念是能够在Unity编辑器中轻松操作UI。

Graveck  one of  the first studios to adopt Unity as their development platform has  decided to share their internal GUI toolset with the world.  Having been  used in titles such as Skee-Ball 2 and other popular apps, UGH is a  tried and true UI solution that is powerful, easy, and extendable.  The  UGH philosophy is to naturally extend the Unity editor to be able to  manipulate UI in the editor with ease.


标签: 游戏资源 gui 人机交互界面
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/7/22 16:47:08 | 更新时间:2015/10/1 14:06:34

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