
Essential Presets Bundle for Luminar Neo
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Essential Presets Bundle for Luminar Neo Mac 1.0.2

Luminar NEO - 基本预设捆绑包包括40 个集合,400 个预设:提升摄影水平的终极工具!该捆绑包包含 400 个精心制作的预设,涵盖从风景到肖像、街头摄影到野生动物拍摄等各种类型。告别无休止的编辑,只需点击几下即可获得令人瞠目结舌的结果。

这些坚不可摧的预设由我们的专家“Luminar Guy”Jakub Bors创建,可以轻松调整以满足您的特定需求,通过RAW和JPEG文件释放您的创作潜力。此外,该产品还包括全面的视频教程,可指导您在Luminar NEO中安装和使用预设。添加令人惊叹的色彩、迷人的情绪和引人注目的细节,让您的图像令人难忘。

40 Collections with 400 Presets

Introducing the Luminar NEO - Essential Preset Bundle: the ultimate tool to elevate your photography! With 400 meticulously crafted presets, this bundle covers every genre, from landscapes to portraits, street photography to wildlife shots and more. Say goodbye to endless editing and hello to jaw-dropping results with just a few clicks.

Created by our expert "Luminar Guy" Jakub Bors, these non-destructible presets can be easily adjusted to suit your specific needs, unlocking your creative potential with both RAW and JPEG files. Plus, the product includes comprehensive video tutorials that guide you through the installation and usage of presets in Luminar NEO. Add stunning colors, captivating moods, and striking details to make your images unforgettable.


标签: 调色 预设 后期 色彩 lut Luminar Neo 调色预设
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 调色预设文件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/8/21 15:11:09 | 更新时间:2023/8/21 15:15:47

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