
Udemy - UE5 Sci-Fi VFX Series - Part 1-Part 3
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Udemy - UE5 Sci-Fi VFX Series - Part 1 - Respawn & Ammo Pickup VFX

Udemy - UE5 Sci-Fi VFX Series - Part 2 - Laser & Plasma Blaster VFX

Udemy - UE5 Sci-Fi VFX Series - Part 3 - Energy Shield & Grenade VFX

Udemy - UE5 科幻视觉特效 - 3 部分系列教程

在一个由 3 部分组成的虚幻引擎特效系列教程中,您将学习如何从概念到为游戏实现做好准备。您将了解我的制作流程,该流程已在整个 AA 和 AAA 游戏制作过程中用于我的许多特效工作。

在第 1 部分中你将学习如何在行业软件包中创建资源,并适当地准备它们,以便在考虑优化和性能的情况下导入虚幻引擎。然后,您将学习不同的技术来构建从简单到复杂的 FX 材质,这将为您提供大量控制权,以满足游戏玩法和艺术指导。这些材质还将通过使用精心规划的参数和绑定与Niagara和蓝图进行通信。

在第 2 部分中,您将更多地关注武器特效、它们如何与世界互动、从玩家逻辑和动画蒙太奇中生成,并更深入地了解视频游戏制作实践。我们将通过蓝图逻辑深入探讨使用各种射弹和碰撞响应。我们将解决处理射弹的不同方法,并专注于故障排除方法,以帮助更好地解决生产环境中可能出现的问题。

在第 3 部分中,我们将使用我们的能量护盾进行更高级的材质工作,并在我们的蓝图和 Niagara 系统中为我们的能量护盾提供更深入的视觉特效原型制作方法。

This is part 1 In a 3 part series where you will learn how to take an effect from a concept to ready for gameplay implementation. You will learn my production pipeline that has been used in many of my FX throughout AA and AAA game production. 

You will learn how to create assets in industry software packages and prepare them properly to be imported into Unreal with optimization and performance in mind. Then you will learn different techniques to build simple to complex materials for FX that will give you great amounts of control for satisfying gameplay and art direction. These materials will also communicate with Niagara and Blueprints through the use of carefully planned parameters and bindings.

This is part 2 In a 3 part series where you will learn how to take an effect from concept to completion and be ready for gameplay implementation. You will learn my production pipeline that has been used in many of my FX throughout AA and AAA game production. 

In Part 2 you will focus more on weapons FX, how they interact with the world, spawn from player logic and animation montages and go deeper into video game production practices. We will dive into using various projectiles and collision responses through blueprint logic. We will tackle different ways of handling projectiles and focus on troubleshooting methods to help better navigate problems that can arise while in a production environment.

This. Is. It. Part 3 and The final chapter in our UE5 Sci-Fi VFX Series for Game Production. And we’re going out with a Bang. We’ll be diving into more advanced material work with our Energy Shield and deeper methods for prototyping VFX in our Blueprints and Niagara Systems for our Energy shield.



标签: UE Unreal Engine 引擎 教程 游戏 开发 特效
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unreal Engine
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/8/16 18:06:40 | 更新时间:2023/11/2 22:11:31

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