
VideoHive - AinTrailers Explainer Video Toolkit with Character Animation Builder V3.2.5 - 18950108
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VideoHive - AinTrailers  Explainer Video Toolkit with Character Animation Builder V3.2.5 - 18950108

AinTrailers v3 是一款直观、功能齐全且结构良好的角色构建器和解释器视频工具包,适用于 Adobe After Effects,也是为任何目的创建令人难以置信的动画视频的最简单方法。

使用 AinTrailers 模板,您可以制作时尚的解释器视频、启动介绍、产品促销和演示、公司演示文稿、信息图表或您可能想要创建的任何其他内容。

新版本 3.2 包含 5000 多个独特且专业设计的元素和动画。您可以从一系列图标、建筑物、背景、构图、排版、促销服务、信息图表、运动形状、语音气泡、形状元素、过渡、显示、手、动画预设、徽标显示、动画门、屏幕效果、动画效果以及主要功能 - 终极角色构建器中选择元素。终极角色动画制作器允许创建具有专业外观,绑定和动画就绪的男性,男性弹性,女性,女性弹性,儿童,儿童弹性和机器人角色,具有大量角色的组件和预制动画和情感。

AinTrailers v3 is an intuitive, full-featured and well-structured character builder and explainer video toolkit for Adobe After Effects and the easiest way to create incredible animated videos for any purpose. What does it mean? With AinTrailers template you can make stylish explainer videos, startup intros, product promos and demos, corporate presentations, infographics, or whatever else you might want to create.

New version 3.2 contains more than 5000 unique and professionally-designed elements and animations. You can choose elements from a range of icons, buildings, backgrounds, compositions, typography, promo services, infographics, motion shapes, speech bubbles, shape elements, transitions, displays, hands, animation presets, logo reveals, animated doors, screen effects, animated effects, and, the main feature – ultimate characters builder. Ultimate Characters Animation Maker allows to create professional-looking, rigged and animation-ready Male, Male Elastic, Female, Female Elastic, Children, Children Elastic and Robot characters with a huge amount of character’s components and pre-made animations and emotions.


标签: ae After Effects 动画 模板 人物 角色
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 视频模板
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/7/24 18:30:16 | 更新时间:2023/7/24 18:35:05

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