
BVH Importer v1.6 WinMac - After Effects 关节动画插件
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BVH Importer v1.6 WinMac

BVH Importer 允许你在 After Effects 中解析关节骨架结构和随附的运动数据,并将它们转换为基于实体骨架动画,以在 After Effects 中创建真实世界的运动动画。


BVH文件是由生物视觉 - 一个动作捕捉服务公司开发的一种格式,作为一种提供运动捕捉数据和骨架层次结构信息的方式,除了运动数据。bvh文件只不过是一个文本文件,其中包含从移动骨骼系统捕获的数据。这种类型的数据捕获的另一个名称是“动作捕获”,缩写为动作捕捉。您可以在网络上找到大量免费的 BVH 运动数据或以 BVH 格式的动画库。通过使用BVH导入器,您可以将所有这些可用资源转换为After Effects可以处理和丰富您的动画内容。


Make your skeletons dance

BVH Importer allows parsing joint skeleton structures and accompanying motion data, and transforming them into Solid/Null based skeleton animation to create real-world motion gestures in After Effects.


A BVH file is a format that was developed by Biovision, a motion capture services company, as a way to provide motion capture data and skeleton hierarchy information in addition to the motion data. A .bvh file is nothing more than a text file that has data that was captured from a moving skeletal system. Another name for this type of data capture is “Motion Capture” which has been abbreviated as mocap. You can find tons of free BVH motion data on the web or motion libraries for sale in BVH format. By using BVH Importer you can convert all these available resources to something that After Effects can handle and enrich your motion content.

Euler angles

BVH Importer not only supports “standard” ZXY Euler rotations, but goes beyond that and accepts mixed joint rotations. Any XYZ, XZY, YXZ, etc combination is acceptable. The tool has a built-in file compatibility check option that will report any errors regarding the BVH file.


You can have skeletons in it’s rest position which will make rigging much easier, even if neutral pose is not defined in the BVH file. No motion data deformations are applied to it at the beginning of the animation. Use options to set the skeleton in the center of composition screen instead of arbitrary offsets defined in the BVH file.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 动画 骨骼动画 关节动画
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/7/3 10:57:34 | 更新时间:2023/7/3 11:02:59

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