
Udemy - Python for Maya Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation
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Udemy - Python for Maya Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation

Udemy - 玛雅 Python 自动化绑定初学者到高级教程。10.8GB

本课程是您掌握 Maya Python 脚本的门户,提供一系列技能,使您能够更快、更智能地工作,自动执行任务,让您有更多时间从事自己喜欢的工作。这些技能也为您的就业能力增加了重要价值,帮助您在职业生涯中取得进步。

无论您使用Python的经验如何,本课程都能为每个人提供一些东西。从初学者到经验丰富的编码人员,您将从基本的 Python 语法和 Maya 基础知识到用于自动化 Maya 绑定的高级 Python 方法。


  • Python 基础知识:语法、数据类型、循环、函数、类和条件。

  • 高级 Python 技术:控制流、继承、测试、最佳实践。

  • Maya Pythonic 结构:了解如何同时管理代码库和 Maya API。

  • Maya 绑定自动化:使用 Python 魔术简化复杂方程,使代码的功能提高 20 倍。



Welcome to my course! 'Python for Maya: Beginner to Advanced Rigging Automation'

This course is your gateway to mastering Python scripting for Maya, providing an array of skills that will enable you to work faster and smarter, automating tasks that give you more time to engage in the work you love. These skills also add significant value to your employability, helping you progress in your career.

Regardless of your experience with Python, this course offers something for everyone. From beginners to experienced coders, you will journey from basic Python syntax and Maya fundamentals to advanced Python methodologies for automating Maya rigging.

Here's a taste of what we'll cover:

  • Python Basics: Syntax, data types, loops, functions, classes, and conditions.

  • Advanced Python Techniques: Control flow, inheritance, testing, best practices.

  • Maya Pythonic Structures: Learn how to manage your codebase and the Maya API together.

  • Maya Rigging Automation: Use Python magic to simplify complex equations and make your code up to 20 times more functional.

  • As your course instructor, I'm a Senior Technical Director who's written tools saving hundreds of hours in productivity. The methodologies I use are the ones I'll be sharing with you here.

With each lecture, you'll have access to comprehensive code breakdowns and detailed explanations. Furthermore, our online community of fellow learners and myself are always here to help you out if you encounter difficulties.

标签: maya 玛雅 编程 语言 脚本 教程 Python 角色绑定
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Maya
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/6/30 13:27:01 | 更新时间:2023/6/30 13:27:01

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