
马克·韦斯特莫 - 赖利绘画法人物头像绘画教程,45.5GB。
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New Masters Academy - Mark Westermoe - Reilly Method Head Drawing

马克·韦斯特莫 - 赖利绘画法人物头像绘画教程,45.5GB。1920x1080视频尺寸。

作为著名的弗雷德·菲克斯勒(Fred Fixler)的门徒,他直接在传奇人物弗兰克·赖利(Frank Reilly)手下工作,马克对赖利绘制头部的方法有着无与伦比的知识。在1980年代,他的艺术声望让位于好莱坞电影海报设计的辉煌职业生涯。后来,他在南加州创立了艺术学院,这是一所顶尖的插画家学校,许多校友从那里成为具象艺术领域的“名人录”。

在本系列教程中,Mark 向您介绍了 Reilly 绘画方法,这是一种通过使用节奏来理解头部结构的方法,以帮助从任何角度投射主题的准确比例。

As the protegé to the famous Fred Fixler, who worked directly under the legendary Frank Reilly, Mark has an unrivaled knowledge of the Reilly Method for drawing the head. In the 1980’s, his artistic prominence gave way to an illustrious career in Hollywood movie poster design. He later founded Associate’s in Art in Southern California, a top school for illustrators, from which many alumni became the “who’s who” in the fields of figurative art.

In this series, Mark introduces you to the Reilly Method, a way of understanding the structure of the head through the use of rhythms, to help project accurate proportions of your subject from any angle.

In this first lesson, Marks precise knowledge and nomenclature of the elements that make up the head will give you a foundational understanding of its anatomy, preparing you to learn the Reilly Method later in this series.



标签: 插画 手绘 绘画 教程 人物 人像 素描 写生 头像
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看:281 | 发表时间:2023/6/2 16:00:24 | 更新时间:2023/6/2 16:00:24

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