
0 28 是一个致力于提供视频游戏开发和 3D 软件的 PBR 工作流程的高质量纹理贴图网站。 并且网站里还提供了PBR纹理的制作和使用教程。

这些 PBR 纹理集真的是免费的吗?我可以在游戏和 3D 设计中免费使用这些 PBR 纹理吗?

是的。这些PBR纹理贴图集可在您的游戏/ 3d中免费使用,无需任何费用。这一切都是免费的。我只要求您不要在其他站点、文件共享站点、电子邮件等上重新分发这些 PBR 文件集。让我们只保留源文件 人们。


我已经开始要求支付 10 美元的小额费用,允许您在商业上使用网站上的任何和所有 PBR 纹理。您还可以获得VIP访问权限,使您可以一次下载本网站上的所有纹理以及一些独家好东西。在这里查看所有内容。


基本上,我已经创建了带有法线贴图,反照率贴图,粗糙度贴图,金属贴图,环境光遮蔽贴图,有时还有高度贴图的zip文件。我们现在还支持使用具有 alpha 平滑度的 PSD 金属文件的 Unity。这些文件设置为 PNG 格式的 2048×2048 像素。也就是说,您基本上可以在任何设置中使用这些文件。

Hi. My name is Brian, the creator of this site, and the author of all of these free PBR textures. is a site dedicated to the video game development and 3D community who are looking for quality texture maps using a PBR workflow.  I love the idea of supporting indie game developers and 3D artists with free content for their video games and projects.

Are these PBR texture sets really free? Can I use these PBR Textures for free in my games and 3D designs?

Yes. These PBR texture map sets are free to use in your games / 3d with no cost involved. It’s all free. I only ask that you don’t redistribute these PBR file sets on other sites, file sharing sites, email, and so on. Let’s keep the source files on only folks.

What about using these commercially? 

I’ve started asking for a  really small fee of $10 which allows you to use any and all of the PBR textures on the site commercially. You also get VIP access which allows you to download all of the textures on this site at once and some exclusive goodies. Check it all out here.

What are the technical details?

Basically, I have created zip files with a normal map, albedo map, roughness map, metallic map, ambient occlusion map, and sometimes a heightmap. We also now support Unity with a PSD metallic file with the smoothness in the alpha. These files are set at 2048×2048 pixels in PNG format. That said, you can use these files basically with any setup.

I am far from perfect

While I like what I am offering, I’m not releasing a perfect product. Feel free to let me know what I need to improve on. I can always do better and would love to hear from you. That said, please be polite and constructive.


标签: 材质 贴图 纹理 素材 网站 pbr贴图 PBR工作流程贴图
分类:网站 > 网站收藏 > 2D资源
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/5/27 22:46:15 | 更新时间:2023/6/23 21:29:31

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