
Altair Inspire PolyFoam
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Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2022.3.0 Win64

Altair Inspire PolyFoam 2022.3.1 Win x64

Altair Inspire Polyfoam 2023.0 Win64

Altair 2024.1 Inspire PolyFoam Win64

Altair Inspire PolyFoam是一款专为灵活的模塑泡沫组件和刚性泡沫板设计的现代集成软件,旨在简化设计制造(DfM)过程。该软件提供了一种集成方法,以便在设计和生产阶段确保产品质量和性能。 使用Inspire PolyFoam,工程师可以在设计阶段解决生产问题,从而降低生产成本并提高生产效率。

Inspire PolyFoam的功能包括易于使用的界面、与其他设计软件的兼容性以及对各种泡沫材料的支持。这使得它成为一个理想的工具,可用于快速开发和优化产品设计,以便在生产过程中获得更好的结果。总之,Altair Inspire PolyFoam为生产灵活模塑泡沫组件和刚性泡沫板提供了一个高效、可靠的设计制造解决方案。


Polyurethane Foam Simulation

Rigid and flexible polyurethane foams, also known as cellular or expanded polymers, surround us. Their important attributes like lightweight, adaptable strength per unit weight, and insulation characteristics, as well as their inherently high sustainability make them attractive for an increasingly wide range of industrial and household applications.

Inspire PolyFoam provides a modern integrated approach to streamline design for manufacturing (DfM) of flexible molded foam components and rigid foam panels. Placing simulation in the hands of designers and product engineers early in the development cycle enables easy exploration of options that deliver improved products, and reduced scrap and tooling rework costs.

Virtual testing, validation, correction and optimization of designs can be easily performed through a five-step setup workflow to evaluate molded foam part manufacturability, mitigating common manufacturing defects caused by shrinkage and porosity long before a mold is made.

Altair offers a comprehensive set of solutions to develop innovative, manufacturable products faster from the initial part design and understanding the entire molding process, to efficiently analyzing and optimizing the performance of complex parts.

标签: 工业 产品 设计 泡沫 模塑 软件
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/5/20 11:57:30 | 更新时间:2024/10/23 21:47:01

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