
L3tt3rM4pp3r2 - Aescripts
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L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.0 WinMac - Aescripts

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.2

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.3 Win

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.8 Win

L4tt3rM4pp3r(Lettermapper)是After Effects的文本模式和ASCII艺术视频映射插件。L3tt3rM4pp3r2 包括重新设计的 UI 和文本模式预设。


L4tt3rM4pp3r (Lettermapper) is a textmode and ASCII art video mapping plugin for After Effects. L3tt3rM4pp3r2 includes a reworked UI and textmode presets.

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 (Lettermapper 2) is the second version of our GPU-accelerated After Effects plugin, allowing you to display video frames as textmode art.

Version 2 includes reworked user controls and contains textmode presets (such as VGA and CGA symbol sets and many more) bundled with the plugin, so you don't necessarily have to start from making your own textures!

However, you can use any set of symbols to create your own unique textmode styles (check the Tutorials below for a tutorial on how to do this), be it classic ASCII art with CGA BIOS font, Katakana, Klingon or your custom drawn symbols - just put them together into proper texture and L3tt3rM4pp3r will do the rest.

You can create a custom texture yourself, or use the scripts for Adobe Photoshop that come with L3tt3rM4pp3r.  They simplify the process of creating symbol maps that L3tt3rM4pp3r can use.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 文字 屏幕 显示器 效果
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/4/27 15:23:36 | 更新时间:2025/3/12 21:55:23

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.0 WinMac - Aescripts

链接: 提取码: 5d99 

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.2

链接: 提取码: c4iy 

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.3 Win

链接: 提取码: u1rr 

L3tt3rM4pp3r2 v2.8 Win

链接: 提取码: h9ev 

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