
True Dark Theme Pack
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True Dark Blender Theme Pack v1.1

Blender带有默认的深色主题,但与Adobe,Marvelous Designer,虚幻5引擎,Unity等软件中的其他深色主题相比,它并不那么漂亮。所以在这个主题包中,你会得到 15 个深色主题,包括灰色和黑色在内的所有变体,这些主题是如此现代和扁平,你一定会喜欢在 Blender 中使用它们。

Blender comes with a default Dark Theme but it is not so beautiful compared to other dark themes in softwares like Adobe, Marvelous Designer, Unreal Engine 5, Unity and so many others. so in this theme pack, you get 15 Dark themes, in all variants including Gray and Black, these themes are so modern and Flat that you will surely love using them in Blender

Available Themes

  1. True Dark

  2. True Gray

  3. True Black

  4. True Black Green

  5. True Black Red

  6. True Black Blue

  7. True Black Banana

  8. True Black Pink

  9. True Black Purple

  10. True Midnight

  11. True Ocean

  12. True Ocean Dark

  13. True Flat Light

  14. True Flat Dark

  15. True Moon


标签: blender 插件 软件 界面 预设
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/4/14 12:29:04 | 更新时间:2023/4/14 13:15:24

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