
Luxion Keyshot KeyVR
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Luxion Keyshot KeyVR v11.2.1 Win x64

Luxion Keyshot KeyVR 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 Win x64

Luxion KeyShot Studio VR 2024.1 v13.0.0.92 Win x64

Luxion KeyShot KeyVR是一个功能强大的3D可视化工具,可以从KeyShot场景中一键生成交互式虚拟现实体验。它支持Windows 7和10,以及来自Oculus、SteamVR、Varjo和Windows Mixed Reality的VR头戴设备,并需要NVIDIA Quadro显卡以获得最佳性能。KeyVR允许设计师在交互环境中体验3D模型,快速改变材料、选择照明并做出设计决策。其综合环境控制、多用户会话、高级工具和NVIDIA VRS支持等功能,使其在快速设计审查、虚拟商店、销售评估和真正的协作方面非常有用。

Built for Designers Made by Luxion

KeyVR Connect

KeyVR Connect provides users the ability to engage together, from around the world, in the same virtual space, at the same time, leading to enhanced communication and increased time for collaborative design exploration.

KeyVR Connect Uses

Rapid Design Review

Hosting a session is point and click simple, with zero configuration.

Virtual Stores

View product variations and displays as they exist in a real-world context.

Sales Evaluation

Review design with sales/marketing before manufacturing even starts.

With KeyVR, we can experience the design much earlier in the process to get a better idea of the finished product in time to make critical changes. 


标签: 软件 插件 vr 虚拟现实 渲染 交互
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/3/20 9:56:03 | 更新时间:2024/9/17 15:52:12

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