
Elements - Assortment of Plastic wraps, Tapes, and Bubble Wrap
0 10

Elements - Assortment of Plastic wraps, Tapes, and Bubble Wrap

Elements - 各种保鲜膜、胶带和气泡膜图片素材

12 plastic wrapped textures

15 clear plastic wrap overlay texture

16 glitter gold washi decorating tape overlay

16 transparent plastic tape overlay texture

17 paper tape isolated overlays texture pack

20 adhesive tape texture hq

20 black tape texture hq

20 clear tape plastic overlay texture

20 paper tape texture voltc

20 plastic tape overlay hq

20 plastic texture hq

20 realistic metal tape isolated object overlays

20 transparent tape texture hq

25 paper tape overlay hq

7 bubble wrap plastic texture overlay

clear plastic tapes v1 texture pack

clear plastic tapes v2 texture pack

plastic overlay textures

plastic tapes vol 2 30 textures pack

plastic texture overlay pack

plastic wrap overlay texture 2

plastic wrap overlay texture

wrap me ultimate textures pack

wrinkled plastic overlays


标签: 平面 设计 素材 元素 图片 纹理
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 平面设计素材
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/3/2 10:47:39 | 更新时间:2023/3/2 10:47:39

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