
Foundation Adobe Edge Animate
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Foundation Adobe Edge Animate英文教程书

Adobe Edge Animate 主要是通过 HTML5、JavaScript、jQuery 和 CSS3 制作跨平台、跨浏览器的网页动画,其生成的基于 HTML5 的互动媒体能更方便的通过互联网传输,特别是更兼容移动互联网。

作为一套完整的 Web 动画开发工具,Adobe Edge Animate 拥有直观的用户界面,强大的时间轴能够轻松制作关键帧动画,网页设计人员制作网页动画甚至简单游戏将变得极其方便。

Foundation Adobe Edge Animate is a project-oriented book  that will walk you through the features of Edge Animate - Adobe's  exciting new motion and interaction tool for web standards development.  Edge Animate is an application that allows web designers and developers  to make full use of many of the features of CSS3, JavaScript, and HTML5.  

Edge Animate enables you to animate graphics without the need  to hand code everything using canvas or SVG. It exports well-formed,  standards-compliant code that you can either use to create new web  products, or add directly into existing projects. It also features full  JavaScript and DOM manipulation, enabling you to get under the hood and  create fantastic interactive experiences.

标签: 杂志 书籍 电子书 动画
分类:资源 > 期刊杂志 > 期刊杂志:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/6/10 17:43:37 | 更新时间:2015/9/30 19:00:43

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