
Skillshare - Creative Portrait Photography Plan, Shoot, and Edit Original Portraits
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Skillshare - Creative Portrait Photography Plan, Shoot, and Edit Original Portraits

Skillshare - 创意人像摄影计划、拍摄和编辑教程

加入巴厘岛摄影师肖恩·道尔顿(Sean Dalton),在这个75分钟的课程中探索如何计划,拍摄和编辑原始肖像,探索创意肖像摄影的无限可能性。

Sean 多年来一直拍摄专业肖像,他开始了解捕捉突破创意界限的肖像所需的过程。在本课程中,肖恩涵盖了捕捉突破传统摄影规范的人像的整个过程。

您将从基础知识开始 - 从探索构成良好肖像的一些因素,到制定独特的肖像创意并从头到尾规划您的拍摄。接下来,您将前往体验两种不同的创意肖像概念和位置,同时获得有关如何在现场最好地拍摄模特的实用建议。


  • 如何根据激发您的灵感制定独特的肖像创意

  • 如何为您的人像拍摄寻找模特

  • 如何在人像拍摄期间进入创意流程

  • 拍摄的实用技巧,包括照明、相机设置和姿势

  • 如何编辑图像以增强图像的氛围

  • ...此外,您还将学习无数其他提示和技巧,这些提示和技巧将帮助您进行创意肖像之旅。


  • 初学者摄影师,在拍摄人像方面几乎没有经验,但有兴趣了解有关人像摄影的更多信息

  • 希望更深入地了解规划、拍摄和编辑创意人像概念的中级摄影师

  • 任何想要提高摄影常识以捕捉美丽肖像的人


唯一的装备要求是某种类型的相机。这可以是数码单反相机/无反光镜相机,也可以是智能手机(iPhone / Android)。肖恩将使用他的索尼数码单反相机,但这不需要一样!


Join Bali based photographer Sean Dalton and discover the endless possibilities of creative portrait photography in this 75 minute course that explores how to plan, shoot, and edit original portraits. 

Having shot professional portraits for many years, Sean has come to understand the process required to capture a portrait that pushes the creative boundaries. In this course, Sean covers the entire process for capturing portraits that break out of conventional photography norms.

You'll start with the basics - from exploring some of the factors that constitute a good portrait, to formulating unique portrait ideas and planning your shoot from start to finish. Next, you'll head out to experience two different creative portrait concepts and locations, all while receiving practical advice on how to best photograph your model on location. 

You'll learn how to plan, shoot, and edit your own creative portrait concept, including:

How to formulate unique portrait ideas based on what inspires you

How to find models for your portrait shoot

How to get into the creative flow during your portrait shoot

Practical tips for shooting including lighting, camera settings, and posing

How to edit your images to enhance the vibe of your images

...Plus, you'll learn countless other tips and tricks that will help you on your creative portrait journey.

This course was designed for:

Beginner photographers with little to no experience in shooting portrait, but are interested in learning more about portrait photography

Intermediate photographers who want a deeper understanding of planning, shooting, and editing creative portrait concepts

Anyone who wants to improve their general knowledge of photography in order to capture beautiful portraits

Required Gear:

The only gear requirement is a camera of some type. This can be a DSLR/mirrorless camera, or a smartphone (iPhone/Android). Sean will be using his Sony DSLR camera, but this is not required to follow along!

标签: 摄影 摄像 拍摄 教程 人像 写真
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 摄影摄像
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2023/1/23 21:24:02 | 更新时间:2023/1/23 21:24:02

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