
PBR Game 3D Models Bundle 1 November 2022
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PBR Game 3D Models Bundle 1 November 2022

432个游戏级别的模型合集,包括:石膏雕像,运动鞋,地面,石头,导弹发射架,头盔,空调外机,便携电脑,苹果手机,对讲机,操控仪器,自助电话机,烤面包机,充电桩,科幻眼镜,笔记本电脑,布袋子,小电子产品,步枪,枪支,人物,树桩,楼梯,科幻游戏角色,毁坏的车辆,游艇,橡皮筏,运动的人,,零件,百叶窗,科幻武器,汽车车辆,食物,机甲机器人,坦克,轮子轮毂,无人机,直升机,导弹,军装,服装,鞋子,电动工具,建筑城堡,快艇,游艇,科幻飞龙,狮鹫,机甲战士,自行车,鲸鱼等等。不一 一列举。


03-Classical horse head sculpture

17th Century Building

1977 Plymouth Volaire Sedan

2000 Jaguar XJ Sport (X308 XJ8)

3D Scan Man Summer 016

A 29 Super Tucano

A Hero's Revolver

A public payphone

A stack of sawn logs Scan

A4 (V-2) Rocket


Abandoned house, Tell Surghul

Abstract Elephant sculpture anmial statue


Adidas Yeezy 500 High V2 army military boots

Adult male in office style is shaking hand

After Vengeance

Air Conditioner Condenser

Air Jordan Retro 4 SE RED


AK-74 PP-19 Bizon Low Poly PBR Realistic

Alarm clock SANYO RM5430

Ambulance car

Amfora Vase

APC and Scout Car

Apple iPhone 13 Pro Max

Armor Cyber X91 By Oscar creativo


Armored horse

Asami Overwatch

Assault Plasma Gun (Cammo Skin 2)

At the Construction Site

AT-M6 First Order Walker

Atari 2600 game console

Athiel Motorcycle

Athletic handsome man pitching the ball 201

Avalon Catalina Funship

Baikal Plasmagun

Bas-Relief Сhurch

BBS RE MTSP wheel with a Michelin TP Slick Tyre


Beach Bikini Woman Barbara Sitting Tanning

Beautiful woman in a leather skirt sitting 224

Beautiful young woman in bodysuit walking 372

Berserk Guts Helmet



Bike Girl

Bike WIP

Bionic Girl Monica

Black Bag

BlackPowderRedEarth Carbine

Boat Rettungskutter Compilation

Boot Gothic Buckles Leather Footwear Women

Brake Assembly

Bran castle Dracula castle

Brandon Posed 004


Brick stairs over stone wall scan

Brown soil pile with stones

Bulldog (metro exodus fanart)

Business Woman Listening

Business Woman Standing



Candy chest small

Canyon Under the Snow

Cargo Iron Barrels 200L Colors

Carhartt Mens Suede Work Glove with Knit Cuff

Cartoon Low Poly Slope Resort

Caryatid (woman)

Castle Ruins

Casual guy standing

Casual Sitting Man Vince Texting Phone

Champion Class Cruiser

Character IDLE

Charging Station

Charming blonde woman in black down jacket 166


City Backstreet Alley [Work In Progress]

Closed blue japanese pub photogrammetry scan

Closed store photogrammetry

Closed stores brick corner

Column Base

Columns Collection

Computer system block case retro old damaged

Concrete Road Barrier 6

Conqueror helmet

Conquistador Helmet

Control panel

Convento de las due?as

Converse All Star Hi Chuck Taylor

Cosmonaut Helmet

Couple kissing each other


Cybernetic Runner

Cyberpunk 2077 Sub-Machine Gun

Cyberpunk Car

Cyberpunk Electric Van

Cyberpunk headset

Cyberpunk Micro-Apartments

CyberPunk Motorcycle

Cyberpunk Street Scene And Pack

Cyborg Zodiac Theme Scorpio

Dad Holding Baby

DALIS Black Zipper Tip Boot Low-poly

Deinotherium Giganteum

Demolished house ruin

Dewalt Drill

Discobolus Sculpture

Dornier Do-217 E5 + Hs-293 missiles

Duck Ship

Ehang 184 low poly

Electric locomotive

Electricity Meter

Elena 1083

Elephant Bronze Sculpture

EOTech EXPS3 With Magnifier 3x



Escaneado parcial torre catedral de Leon


Evil Fridge

F9 Cannon Battery

Facial & Body Animated Business

Fallout 3 Intro Bus

Fallout 4 Miami Fire Engine Truck Attachment

Fallout Coupe Redone

Female Basemesh (Censored)

Female Bust

Female doctor demonstrating smth 263

Female Pink Leather Crop Jacket

Female Scan 08

Female Scan

Flying ship

Fork lift and tipper

French shaker


Frozen Mountains (World Machine)

Full Sail University Bomber Jacket

Future Clothing Pink Girl

Futuristic Cyberpunk Motorcycle PBR

Futuristic Cyberpunk Sci-fi Glasses

Futuristic Yacht 01

Game-Ready Beech Tree

Garden Table Chairs


Gas mask M65

GAZ 52 rusty damaged truck

Gaztelugatxe Dragonstone islet

Gedenktafel Türkenkrieg

Generator Trailer

Generic Delivery Van

Girl in a Oversized Pink Hoodie

Girl in Knit Grey Dress and Red Scarf Scan

Girl in school uniform in A-pose 295

Girl takes off her hoodie

Girl1 16k Reprojected

Golden Boy

Golf Trolley & Clubs

Great War ASC British Service man

Greek Vase

Green Peas building


Ground 01

Ground 03

Gun 4 Rocket rocket launcher

Hand Drill


Handsome young man in a t-shirt and jeans 167

Handsome young man in suit 220

Harley Quinn Cosplay

Haystack Scan processed

Heavy Cyberpunk Van

Heavy Lift Carriers barge FELS CAN DO II

Helicopter CH-149



Hercules Farnese

Hero mountain

Hero Super Splendor

Hippies Eco paradise

Hitachi CKP-110

HMS Bounty Low-poly

Horse - Spanish Mustang Brown

Huge Smooth Cliff Wall Scanned Drone

Humpback Whale

Hydrangea in Glass Vase

Icelandic Geothermal Landscape

Industrial device

Industrial Hover Truck

International Durastar flatbed truck

iPhone 14 Pro Max

iPhone X

Irregular tree stump

Isometric office

Jaguar F-Type R Coupe 2021

Japanese building soon to be demolish scan

Japanese curry shop scan

Japanese Female Scan

Jeans Leather Jacket Female Outfit

Jebel Buhais Aerial Survey

Jordan 1 Retro High OG Chicago

Jurassic Park SUV

Knight Malien Headwear



Korea National Treasure

Korean Ornamental Dragon

Lady walking animated with accessories V2

Large Ancient Columns Set

Laser Rifle RCW Fallout New Vegas Fan-art


Leonardo Eagle 44 CIAN


Lion Drinking Fountain

Lloyds Food Truck

Lockdown Heavy Duty Door

Low Poly Cyberpunk Helmet

LS06 Carpinus Betulus (European Hornbeam)

Lucys Cafe

Luke Lightsaber


M4 Custom Low-poly

M4 Sherman MK VC Firefly - Beldevere

M4A2 Sherman Tank with equipment

Malaysian restaurant at Ikebukuro photogrammetry

Male doctor in purple uniform with folder 302

Male torso anatomy

Male young medical doctor in A-pose

Malik Forte

Man in a white t-shirt and cap 0216

Man in black suit walking with folder 301

Man in suit talking on the phone 159

Man standing

Man with hat 1213

Manequin clothing

Margiella Sneaker

Mars Rover

Matthew McConaughey Bust

Mecha-white Fatalis

Medieval stone wall

Medieval Viking Rock Decoration

Metal fence with wire

Metallic soviet Stella monument

MIG-31 Foxhound Jet Fighter Aircraft

Military Barricade

Military Speaker-Freepoly

Military uniform of General Józef Giza

Military Walker

Ming-Mei Rigged Woman Character


Minotaur Retopo

Modular Asian Wall Low-poly

Modular Fencing

Mossy Stone Wall 04 Kokapu Hungary

Motion tracker from Alien

Motocycle Supra Fit

Mountain Bike MTB

Moving box van

N Girl After Bath

N girl Standing

Napoleon Bust

Nerf MEGA Motostryke

Night Vision Goggles

Nissan Leaf Police Car

Nuclear Bomb

Office and Truck Garage

Offroad Tire Game Ready

Oil Gaz Water Tank

Old Carboy 02 RAW Scan

Old handmade air compressor tool

Old Power House

Old Stove

Old Television Sets

Old water tank

Old Wrench

Orange building with stairs

Oscar Academy Award


Padding cloth, game ready

PAK FA Su-57 (T-50)

Paraffin Blowtorch

Park benc



Peryite shrine

Philips 374 Radio-Recorder

Physgun ZPEFM Supercharged Gravity Gun


Pilot Helmet Gentex HGU 56P

Plasma Pistol

Plasma Revolver

Pohutukawa tree at Red Beach

Portrait of a priest of Isis

Post apocalypse battle car suv

post-apocalypse sedan car m407 debrish iv7

Post-Apocalyptic Weapon

Postapocalypse truck level 1

Powersuit Mecha

Pretty woman in short shorts in A-pose 344

Pretty woman using phone 354

Prototype Ifv

Race Track

Railway Covered Goods Wagon Vr.4 Medic-Orange

Raspberry tartelette

Read me

ReeBok Classic white Leather

Refining the Preparatory Drawing with Stephen Bauman

Reiterstatue Marc Aurel

Renovia Istanbul


Rim WheelForce 20 Lowpoly

River station building

Rocio 10574

Rock art shelter in Carrancas

Rock Stone 13


Roman Italic D Mainz Helmet

Rose, Revolutionary Leader Sculpt

Ruined Bus

Ruins asset pack + example

Russian Military Pack

Rust AK Remastered

Rust SAR Remastered

Rusted liquid tank

Rusty Modular Pipes

SAM4S SAP-630 Service Terminal

Samsung Gear VR

Santas Bad Girl Coming To You

Santas Bad Girl

Sci Fi Sexy Girl Low-poly

Sci-fi Carrier with 3 Turret Types

Sci-fi Gun

Sci-fi Rocket Launcher Skin Edition

Sci-Fi Station Terminal Low-poly

Scifi Frigate Sunfire

Scifi Girl

Sea Cave

Security Cyborg

Sexy police officer woman

Shahed-136 Kamikaze Drone Geranium

Shark 1

SHI-A5G100 Armastella Lumiere

Shields Hoplon

Ships Propeller system

Shrek fit

SideWalk Edge Tiles

Sitting Man Victory In A Leather Jacket And Torn Jeans Punk Rock


Small Box Truck

Small Tied Burlap Pouch

Smiling young woman running 371

Snacks bag test

Sneaker Nike


Speedboat 2


Sphinx Egypt

Sport woman with accessories

Stair house entrance photogrammetry scan

Stalker Anomaly Detector Bear

Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (Obi Wan Kenobi)

Star Wars

Starfall Tactics — Science station


Statue of Aphrodite

Steampunk Cyborg Skull

Steampunk girl_2

Steampunk goggles

Strange Turning Machine

Stylized Tiger Head

Survival Props Package


Tactical Backpack

Tatjana Glitter Avatar

Temple Environment

Terminal 2

Thaalian Empire Cruiser

The BigBen huge post-apocalypse monster truck

The nuclear submarine project 945 Barracuda

The Secretary

The Shark Egg


Tomba Bella Galiana

Toshiba CRT TV

Toy gun

Transition TR-500

Trascoro de la Catedral de León (low poly)

Truck Textured 3

Truckable Push Boats

Tugboat ASD 2810 red

Typical Parisian Apartment Building

Tyrannosaurus Rex

UnderRated Hoodie

Uro vamtac Policia Nacional

USB C cable double sided black


Vase on a pedestal

Vending Machine (SCP 087)

Victory-Class Star Destroyer

Village house

Vintage fire truck

Vintage Helmet

Vintage tube soviet crt tv box

VR Square Gallery 4k

Walking Middle Eastern Woman

War Robot

Wasteland Helmet

Weird Spiderman themed restaurant


White Brick Power House

White vintage refrigerator old rusted fridge

Windows Laptop



Woman in a Shawl

Woman on couch with cupids greek statue photogrammetry 3d scan

Woman Torso Sculpture in Stone

Worn Leather Jacket

Woven Backpack Basket

Wraith Complete

Yacht Cruise 208

Yellow cover japanese bar

Young african-american man with phone 242

Young Girl in a Swimsuit

Young man talking on the phone 31

Young pretty woman in black style

Young woman in black hoodie in A-pose

Zero Suit Samus and Baby Metroid


标签: 游戏 模型 合集 中模 低模 简模 扫描 人物模型
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > 杂项模型
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2022/12/1 17:12:19 | 更新时间:2022/12/1 17:12:19

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