
All PTM Actions
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All PTM Actions


Paint the Moon提供Photoshop和Elements  的动作,以帮助您的图像带来新的生命并节省你要花费的数小时编辑时间。让专业的编辑工具来帮助你做这一切,包括专业必不可少的工作流程编辑,修饰,美丽而独特的艺术处理...只要点击一个按钮。我们的动作像变魔术一样,使加工成为令人惊讶的快速和简单。Paint the Moon的动作也高度可定制的,只要邮件看看帮助,并把你的照片变成艺术品!还提供独特的外观精美的艺术品和古董的照片纹理和其他摄影师工具。


Paint the Moon offers Photoshop and Elements  actions to help bring new life to your images and take hours off editing  time. Professional editing tools to help you do everything including  professional retouching, essential workflow edits, and beautiful and  unique artistic processing ... all at the click of a button. Our  actions work like magic to make processing amazingly quick and simple.  Paint the Moon actions are also highly customizable for just the right  look and help turn your photos into ART! Also offering fine art and  vintage photo textures  and other photographers tools for a unique look.


标签: ps photoshop 动作
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > Photoshop 资源
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/6/2 16:19:24 | 更新时间:2015/9/8 0:17:54

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


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