
3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol 1-5
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3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol.1

3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol.2

3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol.3

3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol.4

3DMotive - Orc Head in ZBrush Vol.5

3DMotive - 兽人头部建模第 1-5 部

斯蒂芬 威尔斯介绍他雕刻,多边形绘制,烘焙法线贴图这个次世代兽人头部模型的步骤。您将了解各种ZBrush雕刻过程中的工具和工作流程,通过自己的方式工作使得ZBrush的界面变得更加熟悉和使用其更强大的功能

Stephen Wells covers his process of sculpting, poly painting, and baking  normal maps step-by-step for this Next-Gen Orc Head model. You will  learn about various tools and workflow aspects of ZBrush and work your  way through the sculpting process and become more familiar with the  ZBrush interface and the use of its more powerful features

标签: 建模 教程 雕塑 雕刻 zb
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > ZBrush
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/6/2 16:02:57 | 更新时间:2017/8/15 10:54:19

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