
Entagma - Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Houdini (update up to August 2022)
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Entagma - Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials Houdini (update up to August 2022)

Entagma - 胡迪尼高级CG教程(更新至2022年8月)


Advanced Setups 13 – DIY Poisson Solver- Jacobi Two Pass & von Neumann Boundaries.mp4

Advanced Setups 14 - DIY Poisson Solver pt. 4- Designing Caustics.mp4

Advanced Setups 15 – Solving Optimal Transport using Python and POT.mp4

Advanced Setups 17 – Jeroen Claus Solving The Traveling Salesperson Problem in Python.mp4

Advanced Setups pt. 18- Monte Carlo Geometry Processing.mp4

Multithreading Python In Houdini.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 01- Intro to Geometry Nodes.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 02- Working with Geometry.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 03- Working with Attributes.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 04 Beyond Geometry - Node Properties.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 05- What are Vectors.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 06- Creating a Vector Visualizer.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 07- Refine the Vector Visualizer.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 08- Make a Node Group.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 09- Visualize Vector Addition.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 15- Real World Project 1 - Psyche Transform Effect.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep 16- Psyche Transform - Spherical Falloff.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep10 – Fields.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep11 – Create Noise Driven Displacement.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep12 – Displace and Shade a Torus by Noise.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep13 – Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Geometry.mp4

Geometry Nodes Ep14 – Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Shader.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.11- Enhancing Growth-Sims With KineFX.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.12- KFX Potpourri- Capturing, Secondary Motion And Fixing Skeletons.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.13 Combining Vellum with KineFX.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.14 Capturing A Procedurally Creating And Modifying Weights.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.14 Capturing B Building A DIY Bone Deform SOP.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.15- KineFX & Vellum 2- Building a Balloon Character.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.16- Rigging An IK Robot Arm.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.17- No VEX Procedural Walkers.mp4

KineFX 101 – Pt.18- CFX- Muscles Part 1.mp4

Vellum 101 Pt. 41- Melting Objects Using Vellum Fluids.mp4

标签: 胡迪尼 Houdini 特效 动力学 教程 动画 粒子 建模
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Houdini
发布:CGer | 查看:714 | 发表时间:2022/9/22 17:02:45 | 更新时间:2022/9/22 17:02:45

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