
3DMotive - Unity 3.5 Post Process and Debugging
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3DMotive - Unity 3.5 Post Process and Debugging


在这个系列教程中,讲师艾伦 索恩带领我们全面审视Unity游戏引擎。如果你一直很好奇Unity有什么,这当然有你需要的一切,让你开始学习这个引擎 - UI,地形,照明,脚本,后期,等等!


In this extensive tutorial series, instructor Alan Thorn takes us   through a comprehensive look at the Unity Game Engine. If you've always   been curious about what Unity has to offer, this course has everything   you need to get you started with the engine  ranging from the UI,   Terrain, Lighting, Scripting, Post Process, and so much more!

标签: unity3d 教程 资源
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unity 3d
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/7/22 16:54:30 | 更新时间:2015/9/22 20:31:51

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