
Epic Stock Media - Smart UI - 声音素材
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Epic Stock Media - Smart UI - 声音素材

Epic Stock Media的Smart UI是一个独一无二的现代用户界面音效集合,当你需要你的声音被注意时,它会给你带来真正的冲击。我们通过定制和组装1200个用户界面、通知和警报声音的动态选择,让这个免版税的声音库变得栩栩如生。这款全新设计的音效系列将为游戏、视频、商业广告、动态图像和解释型制作中的任何场景或背景注入新的活力。


Smart UI by Epic Stock Media is a one-of-a-kind collection of modern user interface sound effects that truly packs a punch when you need your sound to be noticed. We brought this royalty free sound library to life by custom creating and assembling a dynamic selection of 1200 UI, notification and alert sounds. This extraordinary collection of freshly designed SFX will breathe new life into any scene or setting in games, video, commercials, motion graphics and explainer type productions.

Inside you will find all the sound effects you need to outfit the most advanced technologies of today and even the futuristic tech yet to come. This is a sound library that will pay for itself for years to come. Chose from; selects, tech, abstract, arcade style, corporate, cinematic, fantasy game style, Sci-fi, glitches, clicks, slider loops, mechanical SFX, and much more. Listen to the demos (26 of them) and watch video sound redesigns to get the scope and power of Smart UI today. 


标签: 声音 音效 音乐 素材 配音 ui 界面 操作 人机 交互
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 声音音效
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2022/3/25 12:04:07 | 更新时间:2022/3/25 12:34:16

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