
Plating Generator And Greebles for Blender
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Plating Generator for Blender

Plating Generator and Greebles v2.0

Plating Generator And Greebles V2.1.0

Plating Generator 2.2.1

Plating Generator 是3D建模师和概念美术师的Blender附加组件,可添加嵌板图案并将多个对象映射到平面或曲面上。它使用专门设计的算法来生成不同的图案。

The Plating Generator is a Blender add-on for 3D Modelers and Concept Artists that adds paneling patterns and maps multiple objects onto flat or curved surfaces. It uses specially designed algorithms to generate different patterns.


Generate a panel lines or scatter smaller objects using a random seed.

Use on flat or curves surfaces.

Choose from a range of completely customizable plating patterns.

Save, re-use and share your own pre-set configurations, or choose from a variety of pre-bundled ones to get you started. 

Create your own greeble objects libraries or choose from the standard default library.

The objects can either be created and edited separately or integrated into the base object.

Go back and change the patterns and greebles from a fixed control panel at any time when they are created as separate objects.

Create from a whole quad based mesh or on a sub selection of quad faces.

Control the depth of the grooves, heights of the panels, thickness of the grooves, make corners rounded, and add bevel effects.

Add your own materials and vary panel color through vertex colors.

Greebles can either be overlapping or non-overlapping.

Greebles can either conform to the shape of the face or maintain their proportions.

Option to completely remove the grooves and leave the plates intact.


标签: blender 插件 软件 建模 细节 科幻 飞船
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Blender及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2022/1/7 14:35:40 | 更新时间:2023/12/29 23:12:14

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Plating Generator for Blender

链接: 提取码: w674

Plating Generator and Greebles v2.0

链接: 提取码: kx8z 

Plating Generator And Greebles V2.1.0

链接: 提取码: tzct 

Plating Generator 2.2.1

链接: 提取码: 3x57 

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