
Easy Clones
0 11

Easy Clones 1.1

Easy Clones 2.1

在 after effects 中为2D元素构建的克隆系统,包括位图层、向量层、形状层和预编译。

Easy Clones是一个灵活的克隆系统,允许您快速轻松地应用线和栅格的位置、缩放、旋转和不透明度属性添加随机性,添加随机颜色、可循环摆动、保持笔划宽度,并在动画中内置延迟系统。尽管该工具是为2D艺术品而构建的,但也支持3D层。


A cloning system built for 2D artwork, including Bitmap Layers, Vector Layers, Shape Layers and Precomps.

Easy Clones creates a flexible clone system that allows you to quickly and easily apply line and grid position spacing, add randomness to position, scale, rotation and opacity properties, add random colours, loopable wiggles, maintain stroke widths and an inbuilt delay system to your animations. Although the tool is built for 2D artwork, 3D Layers are also supported.

How it works: Easy Clones creates a Clone Control Layer that controls basic properties (position, scale, rotation and opacity) that can be modified further using the controllers within the Easy Clones Effect. Artwork layers are transformed into Clones that reference the Control Layer whilst remaining completely controllable, allowing you to fine-tune and tailor your animations.

标签: ae After Effects 插件 软件 工具 动画 克隆 复制
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > After effects 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2021/10/28 17:44:41 | 更新时间:2024/4/22 21:16:13

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


Easy Clones 1.1

链接: 提取码: vtte 

Easy Clones 2.1链接: 提取码: nj4m 

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