
ImagineFX 2021-10-01
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ImagineFX 2021-10-01

ImagineFX 杂志2021年10月刊。



自2006年1月起由Future plc在英国巴斯出版,ImagineFX的主要焦点是杂志下半部分的专题研讨会,该杂志每月出版一次。艺术家如Ryan Church、Jonny Duddle、Martin Bland和Henning Ludvigsen为杂志撰稿。该杂志附带DVD,但后来改用数字下载,其中包括与该杂志教程相关的研讨会文件、程序演示、免费字体、纹理、图像和Photoshop画笔。它也有传统和3D艺术的小部分。


ImagineFX is a digital art magazine that features workshops and interviews with artists from the science fiction, fantasy, manga, anime, game and comic disciplines.

History and profile

Published in Bath, UK by Future plc since January 2006, the main focus of ImagineFX is the workshops featured in the second half of the magazine, which is published on a monthly basis.[1] Artists such as Ryan Church, Jonny Duddle, Martin Bland and Henning Ludvigsen contribute to the magazine. The magazine come with a DVD but has since switched to digital downloads that includes the workshop files that relate to the tutorials in the magazine, program demos, free fonts, textures, images and Photoshop brushes. It also has small segments of traditional and 3D art.

Each month the magazine features an interview with artists such as Alan Lee, Larry Elmore, Frank Frazetta and Jim Burns. Features such as "Rising Star", "Artist Porfolios" and reader galleries showcase the work of up-and-coming artists.


标签: 杂志 书籍 电子书 CG 2D 手绘 插画 绘画
分类:资源 > 期刊杂志 > ImagineFX
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2021/9/10 14:25:31 | 更新时间:2021/9/10 14:28:55

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