
Mastering Realflow 2012 for Production
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Mastering Realflow 2012 for Production,Realflow 2012专家教程

屡获殊荣的视觉特效总监和技术总监艾伦 麦凯,带我们走向流体动力学的世界。使用流体动力学软件Real  Flow拟流体,例如水,熔岩,包括更多的纹理的jellow和乳胶效果等等。学生将获得一个真正的理解,它是如何工作的,以及如何极限适用Real Flow这个软件。通过使用行业的技术和方法,创建真实的视觉效果镜头,学生们将学习如何优化,加快他们的模拟,并利用模拟的信息在他们的3D软件里。


Award winning VFX Supervisor and Technical Director Allan McKay, takes  us into the world of Fluid Dynamics. Using Fluid Dynamics software Real  Flow to cover many of the concepts of simulating fluids such as water,  lava including more jellow and latex type of textures. Students will  gain a true understanding of Real Flow, how it works and how to push  Real Flow beyond its limits. By using industry techniques and approaches  to create actual visual effects shots, students will learn how to  optimize, speed up their simulations and utilize the simulated  information in their 3D package of choice.


标签: 教程 流体 realflow
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > 3Ds max
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/4/5 15:17:13 | 更新时间:2015/10/2 19:11:02

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