
9b Studios Studio Environment Set 01
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Studio Environment Set 1 from 9b studios

9b studios的环境集合1

Kit for MODO 701 / 601 / 501, Bentley Systems MicroStation, SolidWorks 2011


SES提供了多种设计HDRI球面,轻松获得专业品质的演播室灯光,适用于产品照片,工程可视化,广告艺术,或包装拍摄。它是专为工作室/室内照明设置的。 SES1的典型用户是建筑师,艺术家,工业设计师,工程师,包装专家或CAD可视化专业人员。


SES1 provides a variety of designed HDRI spherical images complete  with ground planes for easily obtaining professional-quality studio  lighting for product shots, engineering visualizations, advertising art,  or packaging shots.  It is designed for people who would like to be  able choose studio/interior lighting setups but do not want to invest  the time set to create custom lighting set-ups for each project.  The  artists at 9b studios have done the work for you.  Typical users of SES 1  are architects, artists, industrial designers, engineers, packaging  specialists or CAD visualization professionals.


标签: 环境预设 HDRi modo
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > HDRi
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2013/4/5 14:32:56 | 更新时间:2015/10/2 19:12:24

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