
Blender - Megacity 02 - Final Cityscape Render ​
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Blender - Megacity 02 - Final Cityscape Render




In this second part of my two-part cityscape design and rendering course we're looking at getting our renders out of Blender and into Photoshop for a final illustration treatment.

As a bonus I took the same scene into Octane (standalone) and went through the same process so we can compare the two solutions side by side. We will then learn how to composite several render passes quickly in Photoshop and with a few simple matte painting techniques arrive at a photo-real finished illustration.

What topics are covered?

- Blender 2.8 Eevee Render

- Octane (standalone) Render

- Photoshop paintover

Who is it for?

Concept designers and other creatives who want to learn about futuristic cityscape design with 3D and 2D tools.

What will I get?

- 2.5 hour video tutorial with narration

- 3D files

- Textures

- Reference images

What do I need to have before I start:

- Blender 2.8 (no plugins required)

- Octane (standalone version)

- Basic knowledge in a 3D application and how nodes work are of advantage

- Knowledge of Photoshop

Who made this?

My name is Jan Urschel and I'm a professional concept designer and creative director working in the film and video game industry working on projects such as Captain Marvel, Ghost in the Shell, Rogue One and many more.

标签: blender ps Photoshop 建模 渲染 后期 合成 教程
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Blender
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2021/6/28 13:06:35 | 更新时间:2021/6/28 13:11:22

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