
Terraform4D For Cinema 4D
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Terraform4D v1.0.3-5 For Cinema 4D R23 Win x64

Terraform4D v1.1.0 For Cinema 4D

Terraform4D是一个强大的,艺术指导的地形发生器,用于Maxon Cinema 4D R20–R23。它允许您以一种基于层的、非破坏性的方式构建高度可定制的地形。工作流是直观和灵活的,地形的每个方面都是可编辑的。

Terraform4D is a powerful, art directable terrain generator for Maxon Cinema 4D R20 – R23. It allows you to build highly customisable terrains in a layer based, non-destructive way. The workflow is intuitive and flexible, and every aspect of the terrain is always editable.

Create terrains from procedurals, textures, splines, or gradients. Apply filters and mask layers with ease! Place mountains, lakes, and rivers where you want them, and generate the geometry in almost any resolution, or export maps for use in materials or other 3D applications. Shade your terrain with the help of the Terraform4D Operator Shader.


标签: c4d Cinema4D 地形 建模 插件 软件 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Cinema 4D及其插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2021/2/22 14:37:51 | 更新时间:2021/4/28 17:55:42

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