
Retouch4me Heal
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Retouch4me Heal 0.985 Win x64

Retouch4me Heal 会自动检测出皮肤的问题区域并进行修复。保留了原来的皮肤纹理,它只修饰需要修复的区域!

自动皮肤选择不再需要手动选择皮肤!Retouch4me Heal会自动识别照片上的皮肤区域并对其进行修饰。


保留原始皮肤修护,4Me Heal不会用虚假的、过度光滑的皮肤代替瑕疵。保留专业工作流程所需的自然肌肤纹理。

Retouch4me Heal

The neural network automatically detects problem areas of the skin and repairs them. Retouch4me Heal preserves the original skin texture, it retouches only the areas that need to be fixed!

AUTO SKIN SELECTIONNo need to select skin manually anymore! Retouch4me Heal automatically recognizes skin areas on photo and retouches it.

ONE BUTTON RESULTNo need to do manual work with problem areas on skin. Just one button press to get result!

PRESERVE ORIGINAL SKINRetouch4me Heal doesn't replace the blemishes with fake, over-smoothed skin. It saves the natural skin texture as requied in professional workflow.

Retouch4me works as an Adobe Photoshop plug-in

It can also be used as a standalone app or an external editor in Adobe Lightroom and Caprure One


标签: 后期 照片处理 插件 软件 修图 人像 ps Photoshop
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Photoshop 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/10/22 17:05:53 | 更新时间:2020/10/22 17:05:53

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