
Artstation - PerfectBool for brush
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Artstation - PerfectBool v1.2 Zbrush - 插件

PrefictBool 是一个小的Zbrush 插件,作为一个使用布尔运算的艺术家确实很费时,所以我开始编写这个插件,使用布尔运算做硬表面网格的过程比通常的方法更简单、更轻、更短。

PrefectBool Is a Small Zbrush* Plugin I made during the lockdown, as an artist using Boolean Operations is really time consuming, So I started to code this plugin to make the process of doing Hard Surface mesh with boolean operation Easier, Lighter and Shorter than with the usual way.

So As soon as you know already how to use boolean in Zbrush, you know how painfull is it to get clean result.

With PerfectBool you can get nice and clean shape with only 2 buttons.

Why PerfectBool? :

-Less Time consuming pipeline with Boolean in Zbrush!

-2 Clicks Hard surface mesh Creation!

-Simple operation button! (for wise artists)

-Complex operation button ! (for the crazy one)

-Small Mesh Bevel button with 4 automatics subdivisions lvls

-Big Mesh Bevel button with 4 automatics subdivisions lvls

-Works in Almost every (reasonable) situation! 


标签: zb zbrush 建模 插件 软件 工具 布尔
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/10/14 14:01:58 | 更新时间:2020/10/14 14:14:20

    ○当前充值额外赠送3%-15% CG点,充值的余额还会获得每日赠送,每日赠送系统说明:点击查看


点击消耗 10 CG点(约 1.0 元)解锁 30个通用资源, 12小时内有效!(有效期内不重复扣点)
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