
Вероника Калачева - Нескучная перспектива (2019)
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Вероника Калачева - Нескучная перспектива (2019)

维罗妮卡·卡拉切娃(Veronica Kalacheva)- 不乏味的视角(2019)绘画教程,俄语,70.5GB。






I have collected all the most important rules for building perspectives of different types - we will analyze the frontal, angular, ascending, descending, perspective with many vanishing points. Let's learn how to build shadows and reflections (yes, this is also about perspective!).

In the lessons and assignments, I tried to achieve harmony between an academic approach and a simple language of explanation. We will delve into the topic almost to the level of an art university, but without abstruse terminology. Let's analyze everything using clear examples.

A lot of interesting practical tasks await you, we will work out the construction to automatism! We will train on what surrounds you: objects in your room, interior, streets of your city. Let's learn to look at everything literally from different angles in order to understand how and what to "build".

I arranged the tasks so that it would be interesting for you and not boring to complete them. And this is the highlight of the course. No matter how incomprehensible this topic seemed to you before, I am sure that after the course you will no longer have problems with the prospect!

标签: 插画 手绘 绘画 教程 透视 理论 基础
分类:教程 > 2D教程 > 插画手绘
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/10/12 13:09:33 | 更新时间:2020/10/12 13:09:33

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