
GS CurveTools for Maya
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GS CurveTools v1.1.3 for Maya

GS Curvetools v1.2.4-Personal For Maya

Gs curvetools v1.2.7

GS CurveTools v1.3 - Maya Plug-in

GS CurveTools是一个强大的工具,用于创建和操作几何图形面片和几何管道。GS CurveTools可以在许多工作流程中使用,从头发的创建到复杂程序编织电缆的创建等等。

GS CurveTools的主要功能是它能够快速创建复杂的节点网络,为以平滑和自然的方式快速操作几何体而量身定做。

GS CurveTools的一个主要焦点是头发建模工作流程。几乎每一款游戏都会使用某种形式为主要角色创造复杂而美丽的发型。为了能够快速创建新的头发卡,将曲线转换为头发卡并快速更改其参数是GS CurveTools工作流的重要组成部分。

GS CurveTools is a powerful tool used to create and manipulate geometry cards and tubes (Curve Cards and Curve Tubes). GS CurveTools can be used in numerous workflows, from hair card creation, to creation of complex procedural braided cables and much more.

The main power of GS CurveTools is its ability to quickly create complex network of nodes, tailored for fast manipulation of geometry in a smooth and natural way.

One of the main focuses of GS CurveTools is Hair Cards workflow. Almost every game out there uses some form of hair cards to create complex and beautiful hair styles for its main characters. To be able to quickly create new hair cards, convert curves to hair cards and quickly change its parameters is very important part of GS CurveTools workflow.


标签: maya 玛雅 建模 插件 软件 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > Maya 插件
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/8/28 14:11:44 | 更新时间:2025/1/17 22:19:01

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