
Cinepunch V20
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Cinepunch V20

CINEPUNCH是Adobe Premiere Pro和After Effects的大量电影工具、资产和元素的素材包。它的创建是为了帮助电影制作者和视频编辑在节省资金的同时拥有丰富的创作工具。



CINEPUNCH is a Massive Variety Bundle of Cinematic Tools, Assets and Elements for Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects. Think of it as your Personal FX LIBRARY. It was created to help filmmakers and video editors have an abundance of tools for creativity while saving their money. If you are a Filmmaker, your work will benefit greatly from CINEPUNCH!

The STORY I Rather than separate every tool and sell individually, I wanted to pack it all together, build and give you as many different tools and packs as I possibly could. And with every new update, provide new tools, packs and add-ons free for life for customers. Over time it has become the Biggest Premiere Pro & After Effects Bundle in the World! The Bundle that keeps Growing! The Gift that keeps on Giving!


标签: ae After effects 后期 Premiere 模板 转场 素材
分类:资源 > 2D资源 > 视频模板
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/8/27 14:20:37 | 更新时间:2020/8/27 14:26:09

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