
OverMorpher World Space - 3DS Max
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OverMorpher World Space - 3DS Max



That’s a new 3dsmax plugin for animation.  

It gives you all the freedom that even the best rig can’t.

You can sculpt your poses in animation at a specific time, and your corrective poses are blended on top of your mesh deformations.

It can be applied on top of any mesh deformations like a skin modifier, a point cache, a cloth simulation, an alembic cache…etc

That’s a really cool tool to add cartoony deformations, like smear frames, squash&stretch, change the silhouette, correct a cloth simulation…etc  

It works pretty well with Combine to attach your animated meshes together before the pose sculpt process.  

Features :

Sculpting tools.
You can sculpt the poses outside 3dsmax and get them back in the plugin easily.
Quick and easy keyframe access.
Update and extract poses.

标签: max 插件 软件 动画 变形
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 3Ds max 插件
发布:CGer | 查看:1307 | 发表时间:2020/7/29 11:56:11 | 更新时间:2020/7/29 12:01:36

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