
Isaevworkshop - motion design 1+2
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Isaevworkshop - motion design 1+2

最新Cinema 4D和 after effects的广告动画设计课程,既适用于从未接触过3D的初学者,也适用于希望达到世界级图形水平的经验丰富的专业人士。我们将向您介绍制作此类视频的整个周期,从构思到最终项目。

The updated Motion Design Course is suitable both for beginners who have never worked with 3D and experienced professionals who would like to reach the world-class graphics level. We will introduce you to the full cycle of making such videos, from the idea to the final project. The quality of the resulting video will be high enough to show it to the client and use it to apply for a job almost at any production studio. This course is a chance to learn within a very short time what many experts have been learning for years. At last, acquire the skills that will take you to a level up. Preparation for the course has already begun. Best of luck!


标签: c4d Cinema4D ae After Effects 动画 教程 广告 手机 电子产品
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Cinema 4D
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/6/2 18:22:54 | 更新时间:2020/6/2 18:30:41

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