
Unreal Engine - UMG UI Inventory Unreal Engine ENG-RUS
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Unreal Engine - UMG UI Inventory Unreal Engine ENG-RUS

Unreal Engine - 虚幻引擎UMG制作游戏用户界面教程

Unreal Motion Graphics UI Designer(UMG)是一个可视化的UI创作工具,可用于创建用户界面元素,如游戏中的平视显示器、菜单或其他与界面相关的图形,以便呈现给用户。

Unreal Motion Graphics UI Designer (UMG) is a visual UI authoring tool which can be used to create UI elements such as in-game HUDs, menus or other interface related graphics you wish to present to your users. At the core of UMG are Widgets, which are a series of pre-made functions that can be used to construct your interface (things like buttons, checkboxes, sliders, progress bars, etc.). These Widgets are edited in a specialized Widget Blueprint, which uses two tabs for construction: the Designer tab allows for the visual layout of the interface and basic functions while the Graph tab provides the functionality behind the Widgets used.


标签: UE Unreal Engine 游戏 引擎 教程 虚幻 开发 界面
分类:教程 > 3D教程 > Unreal Engine
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/4/10 19:48:46 | 更新时间:2020/4/10 19:53:13

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