
Evermotion - 15th Anniversary Collection
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Evermotion - 15th Anniversary Collection


场景是Forest Pack插件优化的,您需要Forest Pack6或更高版本才能使用此产品。

场景仅兼容3dsmax 2013 或更高版本 和Corona 5。包括渲染上可见的所有模型。

最低系统规格:Intel i7 PC,带48 GB RAM和64位系统

We are pleased to announce our 15th Anniversary Collection. This volume includes a forest scene with a lot of greenery and two small modern houses. There are also fully furnished interiors. We give you this scene for free to thank you for your support for the last 15 years of our work.

Scene is optimized for Forest Pack plugin, you need to have Forest Pack 6 or higher to use this product.
Scene is prepared only for Corona 5 with 3dsmax 2013 (or higher).
All models visible on the renders are included.
Minimum system specification: Intel i7 PC with 48 GB of RAM and 64bit system


标签: max 场景 室内 室外 建筑 森林 小屋 木屋 树林 EV模型库
分类:资源 > 3D资源 > Evermotion
发布:CGer | 查看: | 发表时间:2020/4/2 19:41:50 | 更新时间:2020/4/2 19:45:48

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