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InstaLOD for Unreal Engine 4 + InstaLOD Pipeline + InstaLOD C++ SDK

InstaLOD Pipeline 2020b WINONLY iND

InstaLOD StudioXL 2020b WINONLY iND

InstaLOD Unity 2020b Update 1 WinOnly iND


在创建新资产或为任何业务案例准备数据时,轻松实现 10 倍以上的成本节约。无论是将大型 CAD 组件放入 VR 应用程序,还是优化 AAA 级游戏场景,InstaLOD 都能帮助您实现愿景。每个单独的功能都经过精心设计,以出色的性能水平提供一流的结果。



绘制调用减少 打破瓶颈。

CAD 导入和优化。





Unleash Productivity

Easily achieve more than 10x in cost-savings when creating new assets or getting data ready for any business case. Whether taking massive CAD assemblies into a VR application or optimizing AAA game scenes — InstaLOD helps you achieve your vision. Each individual feature has been carefully engineered to deliver best-in-class results at outstanding performance levels.

Groundbreaking Polygon Optimization.

InstaLOD's award-winning polygon optimization is used across industries:

from Tier 1 automotive companies to AAA game developers and VFX studios.

Remeshing that delivers on quality, speed and scalability.

InstaLOD's multi-resolution remesher is fast, memory efficient and can easily handle big data input with multiple millions of polygons.

Draw-Call Reduction

Break the bottleneck.

CAD Import and Tessellation.

Experience ultra-robust CAD import and tessellation for both native and portable file formats.

The intelligent Occlusion Culling solution.

Automated removal of hidden polygons has never been easier and more precise.

Reduce turn-around time by converting complex scenes or assemblies into lightweight assets.

High-quality imposter creation for foliage and regular geometry.

With InstaLOD it's easy to create great imposters for individual objects or entire scenes. A wide variety of different imposters can be created at the push of a button: AABB, Billboard, Flip-book, Custom geometry and Hybrid Billboard Cloud.

Baking and UV Tools

Fully batchable workflows for autonomous completion of manual tasks such as UV unwrapping or layouting.

Evaluate InstaLOD

Start your risk-free evaluation of InstaLOD now! The evaluation gets you unrestricted access to the entire InstaLOD technology stack: from InstaLOD Studio XL to the InstaLOD C++ SDK.

标签: 插件 软件 优化 减面 工具
分类:资源 > 软件资源 > 软件资源:未分类
发布:CGer | 查看:2647 | 发表时间:2019/12/30 14:48:42 | 更新时间:2022/10/19 17:01:26

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